About Sri Trikovi

Sri Trikovi Private Limited

STPL – The triple power!

Our Name, Our Philosophy.


“Tri kovi” or “Three Vs” represents the core principles of our company:

Vidya (Vijnanam) – Science/Knowledge: Pursuing knowledge and understanding.

Vichara – Enquiry/Inquiry: Embracing curiosity, critical thinking, and exploration.

Vimukti – Attainment/Liberation: Achieving freedom, empowerment, and self-realization.

Our Mission:

At Sri Trikovi, we strive to balance these three principles, fostering a culture of:

  • Continuous learning and growth (Vidya)
  • Innovative thinking and exploration (Vichara)
  • Empowerment and self-realization (Vimukti)

We have created there fundamental wings – Tripathagaa, Ikshvaky and Kovidara to execute our vision!

Join us on this journey.

As we embark on this path, we invite you to be a part of our community, sharing our passion for knowledge, inquiry and liberation.

Together, let’s achieve greatness!

Sri Trikovi!